Treatment begins with the initial removal of the tooth crown, or top, to allow access to the pulpal tissue. Once the affected pulpal tissue is exposed, the affected area is removed. The area surrounding and containing the pulpal tissue is carefully cleaned, enlarged, and shaped to provide a clean, bondable surface for filling with a permanent filler to prohibit any further infection and discomfort. After filling, a crown is fabricated to complete the restoration of the natural tooth. The procedure is generally spread over several visits to assure the infected pulp and associated bacteria have been eliminated.
Site Map of Services by Category Synonym
abscess tooth dentist, abscess tooth dentistry, broken crown, cracked tooth, dental endodontics, endodontic dentists, endodontic surgery, endodontic treatment, endodontic treatments, endodontics, endodontics specialist, endodontist, endodontists, replacement teeth, root canal, root canal specialist, root canal v implant, tooth abscess, tooth dead nerve, tooth pain crown, tooth replacement