3165 S Alma School Rd, Ste 26, Chandler, AZ 85248 USA
Phone: (480) 855-1994

Chandler cosmetic dentist and dental implants specialist, Dr. Jeffrey S. Garelick, DDS, and Ocotillo Dental Care provide complete cosmetic and family dental care. Porcelain crowns, porcelain veneers, dental whitening, dental implants and implant retained dentures.

Chandler Sleep Sedation Dentistry

The Chandler dentist provides sedation dentistry for patients who may be a little anxious or would just rather sleep through a procedure. Sedation dentistry is also called sleep dentistry.

With sedation dentistry, you can nap through your procedure with oral sedation, or you may elect a temporary anxiety-reducing sedative such as nitrous oxide / laughing gas.

Site Map of Services by Category Synonym

intravenous sedation dentistry, iv sedation dentistry ,nitrous oxide dentist, oral sedation dentist, pain free dentistry, painless dentistry, sedation dentist